Thursday, November 15, 2012

Didn't feel like writing lately. But well here we gooooo

First off all, Life is good! Been hanging out a lot with Carole and Maja the Swedish girl. The whole last weekend from Thursday to Sunday we went partying in Berkeley. Had lots off fun, met people and we danced like crazy all night long. Meet Sophie from Virginia this weekend too, we had a coffee Saturday afternoon In Newark like a 40 min drive so kind off far. I was suppose to work on Saturday but they changed my schedule so worked Sunday after church instead. Was a great weekend, can't believe it but it's already Friday tomorrow.

Fixed a gym-card at YMCA in Berkeley now, feels so amazing. Went two times last week and two times this week already. I'm surprised off how much I'm able to do, I guess my expectations of myself where very low, haha. But I can already feel my muscles in my arms, legs and stomach getting stronger. I'm gonna make this faaaaat turn to muscles, YES I AM!!!! Go Hanna

Other than that, Sofie landed in NYC yesterday, she's currently staying at Sarah's house in Connecticut and on Monday they'll both fly here. And then LA and Las Vegas next Wednesday!!! I'm sooo excited, been waiting for this trip for weeks now, so ready.

Went to the movies Sunday with my host-kids and saw Wreck-it Ralf, it was a good one, as usual I'm laughing louder then all the kids together but well that's me... Also went to see Flight at the movies on Tuesday evening, makes me feel like I never want to fly again.... Not to recommend for people like me that are slightly scared to fly!!

Yesterday it was a Au pair meeting at a coffee shop in Mont Clair, omg it was sooo b to the oring... Me and Maja came in with kinda big expectations to meet some new au pairs, a little late since she insisted going to IKEA before to buy some cheese.... But wooow it was not so much going on there, the LCC barley said hi so I took a bathroom brake and then we took off, at least we signed in.

Later on yesterday I went to play pool at a nice bar in Berkeley with Carole a guy she was meeting and two off his friends. One from Italy on from Dubai and then we also meet two girls at the place that we were sitting at the same table at in the end. Had so much fun, love to hear about other countries and cultures, so interesting. My pool skills are not to much to brag about... I usually played when I was wasted in Sweden and then I was awesome as far as I remember, lol, well, I did my best, had a great time though!

Colored my hair yesterday while I was skyping with my little sister Sara. She and my older sister Rebecka are trying to go here over Christmas and New Years but we'll see about that. The plans are a little messed up right now.. I can take out a week vacation there If I want to but I don't know how I can pay any bookings now since I need my money for this trip I'm about to do right now..

Anyways, I was scared about the whole hair situation I tell you that... I didn't color my hair for months just done some highlights to make it go a little bit more blond. Yesterday I wanted it all to get blonder but when I had the color in everything was orange, I was terrified that my hard work would go to waste (Drama-queen Hanna is writing), luckily it looks fine, not orange! I can't say it's a big difference at all but whatever, I tried.

Now I have to go and take a shower just came from the gym, met uo with Carole after and had a coffee. Tonight I'm working til 10 pm but might go out after not sure yet. No plans for the weekend more than go dance, off from work to that's great!

Hasta la vista amigos!!!

Pics from Atlantic City,
One of the best weekend trips in my whole life
Miss my girls... Aishling, Martina and Denise

View from our Hotel-room

Ash, Hanna

Martina, Hanna

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