Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Was a while ago since I wrote but it's all good. I was off this weekend and that was great. I went to Sophie's house on Friday evening and spent the night there. She lives in portala valley which is on the other side of the bay. Took the Bart there and then she drove to pic me up at the station.

Her host family's house is soooo big like a mansion. We watched hunger games in the movie theater that they have in the house. Crazy bananas !!

Saturday she showed me Palo Alto and in the morning we went for a 2 hour long walk with a view over the whole Bay Area it was amazing.

Sunday I went to bible studies in the morning. Then I went to Starbucks and wrote all my Christmas card and then a afternoon church service in Oakland.

It feels like everything is going better in general right now. I bought bus tickets to visit Martina 20-23rd of dec just 9 days left !! Also my family is coming in less than 2 weeks its so awesome :)

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