Monday, January 14, 2013

Another day another dollar

And then came Monday. It has many times felt the worst day of the week for me guess since its because u have to go back to reality weekend is over. Today I woke up with a ton of energy which is very unusual lately especially for being Monday.

This weekend was awesome I had so much fun. I worked late both Thursday and Friday til after 10pm but then I was off work the whole weekend so it was great. Friday night I went to walnut creek with some friends to a club it was very nice there. Lots of people good music. And Saturday I met Marie a au pair from France for a coffee was nice to see her again. I spent Saturday night at first at a nice dinner and then after at a club in San Francisco first time I was out downtown but it was so much fun. Got to church yesterday evening and it was a great service it's such a great church they always inspire me to move forward in life to not stress and to be thankful and approximate what y got and I guess everybody needs to hear that from time to time.

I've been buying a lot of vitamins since I have been feeling down a lot. I didn't know if me being a vegetarian effected it maybe I didn't get all things I needed through the food I was eating. But now I feel so much better I really believe it helped and I eat better food and been working at the gym and outside the whole last week. Was not to hard to get back after the holidays so thankful for that. I'm actually about to hit the gym in a minute after I dropped kids at the school.

Well about time to finish some laundry nd find some cloths for my work out so better leave.

Hope everybody's weekend was as good as mine, Adios !!

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