Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's to bad I don't blog more often. But I really feel like writing here right now so that's what I'm gonna do!

I think January has been a amazing month, the weather was warm and sunny. Had lots of pick-nicks  had a great time with my host kids and just been hanging out a lot with good people. Also doing great with working out and food so right now my life is so awesome.

I was off work this weekend so me and Sophie decided kinda spontaneous to visit Sacramento which also is the capital city in California. We had a blast, first of all our bus tickets where ridiculously cheap, 6,50 bucks back and forth and it's only a 2 h bus ride. We went on Saturday morning and when we arrived we went to two museums and then we check out old town and downtown and after we had breakfast-lunch-dinner at panda express, yummy.

We didn't really have a strict plan about what we wanted to do but we had so much fun and in the evening we ended up at a Irish pub. Sophie found something before we went about couch surfing. Basically people let you sleep in the house for free, you can make a profile online and that's how you get in contact with people. So we decided to try it, and it worked great, a couple responded to us and they said it was cool we come one night. They picked us up downtown at the evening and we hang out with them the rest of the night. First we went to a desert bar and that's exactly what is sounds like. They ate some cake and I just tried everyone's haha.

After we sat in their apartment playing video-games all night. That's usually not what I like to do at all but I was so in to this burnout racing game. Their friend that also stayed there over the night was living in Oakland so we didn't even have to get the bus home we drove with him. All together a fun experience in Sacramento, will probably not plan on going back too soon, feels like It was a onetime thing to see.

I was home about 2 pm on Sunday and a friend of mine came and picked me up to go to the Super Bowl party. San Francisco 49ers was playing  against ravens and it was a even game. Was so much people there I didn't expect that at all. They evening had a BBQ and campfire and beer-games back in their garden. If you stood there you had the view all over San Francisco's skyline and the baybridge and golden gate, pretty cool!!! The party went on to late night so was sooo tired yesterday when I had to be up early to work. But that was a once in a blue-moon Sunday celebration.

Today I had lunch with a new pastor from the church which a met a couple of times before since I've been going to this meeting at another pastors house two Wednesdays  He's a great guy, we had a good talk today when we had lunch. Feels great to be more connected to church. And Tomorrow evening I'll finally start bible studies with a group of ladies from church. Bought my books for a while ago and been doing a chapter all ready. I'm so excited.

I guess It's time to sleep now, very tired, even though it's surprising me.. Went to bed before 9 pm yesterday cause I was so worn out after this busy weekend. But guess the workout I had today before I started working effected a little.

Miss everybody back in Sweden a lot.. but must say, now more than ever I'm really tried to figure out how to stay in the country after my visa expires.. It's running too often through my mind that this will come to and end, too soon :(


me and my mom when they came for vacation during christmas

little sis 



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