Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bandet Syster sol skänker en underbar glädje i mitt liv för tillfället!
Always fun to find new music, Swedish reggae is the newest on my play list.

What a awesome, wonderful, great, fun, interesting day! Amen
Woke up with not to much energy, had to start at 7am cause twins started school one hour earlier today. After walking them to school I walked home and I tried to read but was to tired and felt how my cold was just screaming inside my body so decided to take a little nap. I woke up like an hour late with much more energy.

I put on some clothes after I woke up and then I took a walk just here around in Piedmont. Ended up buying some necessary stuff like scampoo, toothbrush etc and also a pair off boots. I love them so much, been thinking about buying Dr Martens for a long time but they're so expensive, these where almost half off that price. Yeyyyy me!! Also I got a email that my guitar is on the way, can't wait. I'm sooo excited, hope I remember to play some old stuff and that I can try to learn something new.

Before I walked home a had a ice coffee and I sat on a bench reading for a while and I also skyped with my mami, was a great conversation with me talking non stop as usual. Typical me, I'm always talking so much but it's fine. Miss la familia a looot. Hopefully they all come visit me soon, probably this Christmas if everything goes the right way in the family!

Work was okay, trying to learn how to handle the kiddos but it always take some time to build up a good relationship with trust and respect so right now I'm just very patient. Made some dinner, garlic fries and bbq chicken, did som laundry, put twins to bed then the parents came home around 8pm.

Found a list today off Au pairs in the same area as me so I send a email today to all of them. Hola me llama Hanna, no tengo vida, jag har inget liv, kontakta snarast, contact me ASAP!! På ett ungefär, I'm so awesome so I can write Spanish, Swedish and English in the same sentence!

Two persons added me on facebook and one off them actually came and picked me up after work. She's from France and a really nice girl, we went for some frozen yogurt (yummi!!!! mums på mackan) and there we met another girl also from France. It was a great time, didn't meet much people from France before so pretty cool.

Now It's time to get ready for bed, lookin forward to wake up to another awesome day!!!

Hasta la vista mis amigos!
adjöken fröken
peace out broooos

walk in the park

happy hanni



cookin dinner in these awesome glasses I got from my host kid

älska fryst yoghurt
kan't bli mkt bättre sådär på kvällskvisten

mi amor
my love
min kärlek
mina nya underbara kängor

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