Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Okay day, work, eat and now.. sleep?

I always had a hard time just being alone, doing nothing. I rather be surrounded be people all the time, maybe some ppl would call that social I'm not sure. I don't have to have conversations or doing something special but I can chill more when I'm not to lonely. Sometimes it can be relaxing but for me that doesn't have to happen more then once every other month or so and then for a short period of time.

I know that it's good right now, everything happens for a reason, one goal with coming here was that wanted to find myself and I guess some peace and quite will not hurt. But I'm so done with this right now, I'm booored. I miss my girls and boyz from Virginia. Everyday was a awesome day, we always had fun no matter what we where doing.

Nothing is wrong here though, the place is great, the work is going pretty good and I'm happy but I miss so much people and it's hard. I just want to stay positive... I know it will take sometime before I start having a life again but sitting down here in the basement one more evening is driving my crazy.

At least I bought a guitar today so that's cool, payed more then twice for tax and shipping but It's worth it. Hope it will not take to long before I get it. And I've been taking tons off flu pills and Advil today so my cold is gettin a lot better, hurray.

Over and out,
Hanni montani

Förkylningen är bättre! Köpte en gitarr idag som kommer på posten förhoppningsvis snart. Förövrigt känner jag mig lite små ensam och saknar en massa vänner. Annars är det väl helt okej.

martini, hanni, denise, ash

tini, hanni

sarah, hanni

hanni, ash, denise
Funda, Denise, Martina, Hanna

hanni, tini, denise, ash


ash, martini, hanni, denise
ocean city

hanni, denise

tini, denise, hanni, ash
VA beach

Jani, Hanni

Jani, Hanni

Denise, Hanni
St Patricks day

Hanni, Tini, Ash
auld shebeen

Hanni, Sophie

Sophie, Hanni, Denise


Sophie, Hanni

Denise, Sarah, Hanni, Martini

Hanna, Sarah

DC 4th of July


Atlantic City

Atlantic City

Atlantic City





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