Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm about done for today and it's not even 11pm yet. I should also mention that I took like a 3 hour nap today. Feel that I'm gettin a cold, have a hard time breathing and right now everything hurts. Kinda wish someone could be here and take care off me haha, a cup off tea wouldn't be to bad right now. Been self-medicating myself with cookies today trying to come up with as many good reasons possible why I deserve to eat them, lol.

This day was okay, morning was probably the best. The oldest boy is very independent which I like a lot. He gets ready and walks off to school by himself. The twins wake up 7 sharp every morning, so when I started at 7.30 they where already up. They have a new schedule so they start late at 9.30 so we had a really nice morning, I gave the twins a bath and we had breakfast and played with Lego. The dad was working from home this day to help me out so we walked the kids together to school.

I was off until got off at 3pm, I was home just resting, been feeling weak the hole day. Took a walk through the park to pic up kids again and then we went to a playground for hours. Then back for a while to the new house for a quick swim in the pool before we went home. Made some dinner, played some bored games then I put the twins to bed. The parents wants me to stay in the room until they fall asleep cause otherwise they'll stay up all night. I thought it was gonna be for a long time but after I read a book it didn't take more then 10 min before they where both quiet.

This evening was very relaxing, watch a movie and just been laying here. I hope that I feel better tomorrow. I love this bed it's awesome, can sleep through the hole night without any problem.


Allt bara bra förutom att jag känner mig lite små krasslig. Första jobbdagen gick helt okej, tog hand om barnen i morse. Hämtade upp kidsen efter skolan och lekte lite i lekparken sen simmade vi i poolen vi det nya huset. När vi kom hem gjorde jag middag och sen var det dags att sova för tvillingarna! Antar att det var iprincip det som hände idag.

Walking in the park

Apple tree outside our house

Got like a welcome gift from my host mom

Played a game about Europe with my host kid
SWEDEEENNN wöööhööhöö

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