Saturday, September 15, 2012

Had a great Saturday, I must say that I'm not used to be so relaxed. Woke up around 9am had some breakfast and went with the family to the twins soccer game. I'm not to much off a sports-fan but it was still nice to see the little boys play. I found out something awesome today, since I have an IPhone now and almost my hole family in Sweden does as well we can write I messages to each other for free, It's supercooool.

After soccer the family went to run errands so I took a walk around the city alone, I live in Piedmont which is a really nice place. I took a really long walk, down to a little lake and It was a food market today with fresh fruit and vegetables for sales and I walked in to some shops. After that I went home and made some lunch and after I fell asleep. It was such a great nap, this bed is amazing I'll tell you that, I just love napping.

When I woke up like 40 min later I walked through a park to get to the new house where the rest off the family where busy swimming in the pool. It took about 20 min walking there, I enjoyed it a lot though I had my mp3 player and the park is so nice, I'll definitely go there again.

Had a nice dinner with the parents this evening, I got the schedule for next week and some other papers about rules and important nr etc. Guess I'll go to bed now since I don't have to much off a busy life here yet. Martina called me for a while ago, she's on her way out in Hollywood with Denise and they where so surprised I was just home chillin on a Saturday evening, they asked to talked to the real Hanna, lol.

Tomorrow I'll go in to San Fransisco with the metro but here they call it Bart. I have my first Au pair meeting, I'm excited!

Hasta la vista amigos!!!!

Haft ännu en toppendag. Följde barnen i morse på fotbollsmatch och efter det så utforskade jag lite mera i staden Piedmont som jag bor i. Finns en sjö som ligger inte alls långt härifrån så dit gick jag en sväng. Var även en marknad idag men färska grönsaker och frukt som jag kollade in. Badade med familjen i poolen vid det nya huset på eftermiddagen också. Fick schemat för nästa vecka idag och lite andra papper efter middagen, allt känns faktiskt jättebra.

I morgon har jag mitt första au pair möte inne i San Fransisco så tror det kommer bli spännande!

Naturen är väldigt annorlunda här
jag älskar palmträd
allt ser så mycket festligare ut med palmer
de ger liksom en semesterkänsla

svammel-tanten ska dejta kudde nu
natti natti

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