Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm about to try something new, I know my skills are not the best but I'll give it a try to write on English. I hope it will help me to get even better cause I know I'll have to look up a lot off words. I know haters gonna hate but please help me if I keep doing the same mistakes instead, if you feel like you know any better. I'm not gonna write a lot off slang and also I'll put the words in the wrong order cause I simply don't know how it should be. Anyway I mostly write for myself cause it feels nice to just get everything off my mind. Enough about that.

My first day at this new host-family was really busy. I yesterday arrived around 9pm at the airport, in my brain it was three hours later since I'm not used to the time difference yet. My host dad and the oldest host kid (10yrs) stood waiting for me with flowers and a sign that had my name on it so I felt very welcomed.

It was a pretty short ride back to their house so good for me. On the way here we stopped for a while at the new house that we'll move to as soon as everything is done around 2-6 weeks. It's so big, looks like two houses, and it got a pool and a jacuzzi, awwwesome! I love swimming and the best thing about this place is that right now and a couple more months it will be warmest off the year . My room in the new house is gonna be all fresh unfortunately it's gonna be at the same floor as the rest off the family but I guess it will be okay.

Right now the family have a rental house which I think is very nice but the family keep joking about that they're camping right now. I currently live in the basement and it's pretty cool, have bathroom and shower down here as well. I got a IPhone today with unlimited text's and calling, I never had a cool phone so that's really something special for me.  Guess it will take a while before I get a hang off it but I'll get there.

So today I slept in cause I went to bed late and I woke up around 10 this morning. Only the mom was home so she showed me my map on my new phone so I could take a walk downtown in the city called Piedmont. I just went for a while to Starbucks. The climate and weather here is very different. The air was more humid in Virginia and here you can see palm trees everywhere. In front off this house it's a Lemon tree growing, never seen that before! I made lemonade today with the kids, it was so good! We went for a while to the new house and we're swimming in the pool, had a great time. In the evening I went to my first football game ever with the family, cheerleaders and everything just like I've seen it on movies.

I just had a nice later dinner with the parents and the oldest kid, felt good to just sit down and talk a little bit. Such a good family, the kids are super cute. I think this will be a good year, have a really good feeling about this. Even though it's kinda hard in the beginning, I miss so much ppl both from Virginia and Sweden. I have to start from square one again, but it's also very exciting and I know that in a couple off weeks it will be better.

Now I'm about to take a shower then I'll just go to sleep, I'm very tired and I know it will be a long day tomorrow.


Jag vet att min kära lilla mormor inte är alltför bekant med engelskan så för dig tänkte jag slänga ihop ett par rader på svenska! Allt gick bra med flytten, landa igår kväll och möttes upp av min värdpappa och äldsta killen. Just nu bor vi i ett hyreshus och jag har ett helt okej rum i källaren. Vi ska däremot inte bo här speciellt länge eftersom de håller på att renoverar ett nytt hus bara några minuter härifrån. Vi flyttar om runt 2-6 veckor beronde på när allt blir klart och det nya huset har en pool och en bubbelpool så passar mig alldeles utmärkt.

 Förövrigt är barnen jättefina och hade en bra första dag. Vi gjorde egen lemonad, badade i poolen i det nya huset och gjorde lemonad av citronträdet som växer i trädgården. På kvällen gick vi och såg en match med amerikansk fotboll var hur tufft som helst. Fick en IPhone av familjen idag också!!! Åt precis middag med värdföräldrarna och prata lite, verkar vara en riktigt bra familj, känns som jag kommit rätt!

Saknar dig mormor, puss pusssss.

bilder från min nya IPhone, heheheheeh

Nya huset som vi snart ska flytta till

Citron träd

Göra lemonad


1 comment:

  1. Fyfaan va coolt! Jävligt kul att det känns rätt för dig. Så jäkla avis på dig!! Du vet att om du slår på imassage på mobilen så kan vi nog skriva gratis sms och mms till varandra! Vore super coolt! Då kan vi ha mer kontakt med varandra!
    haha rolig du är som skrev till mormor! De va gulligt :D Jag saknar dig så sjukt mycket så när jag ser och hör dig på skype så får jag tårar i ögonen för ajg saknar dig så mycket! Jag hoppas av hela mitt hjärta att du får ett ännu bättre år än tidigare ! BAMSEKRAM <3 /sarisch
