Sunday, September 23, 2012

This is a day to remember, it was such an amazing day all together. Got up according to me really early  at 7am, got ready for church, met my french friend, Carole before and we went together. Was a interesting morning service, I liked it a lot, missed last Sunday so felt really good today. Will keep searching for the right church, this was good but think there's something else waiting for me. Wanna feel home, like I did at the church in Woodbridge.

After we picked up four other girls and we started out road trip to Venice beach, took around an hour to drive there.  First we had some pick-nick and after there was a beach party going on there so we checked that out. We continued our trip and went to another place we had coffee, went for some shopping then finally we went to the beach that was there before we drove home again. In the evening I went with Carole for some exercising, we did some power-walking, felt great afterwards.

I enjoy the nature here so much, it's supercooool. I can't even explain how it feels to stand and look out over the pacific ocean and just feel, I don't know, Life I think! It's a special feeling makes me feel alive. I've been out so much lately and it really clears my mind every time, love it!

Talked with the girls about skydiving and hiking so lots off plans going on. So thankful to meet so wonderful people here. Life is good, God Is Good, Hanni is Happy! I'm amazed about how good I'm feeling, I miss so much people right now, It hurts sometimes when I think about it, I cry a little bit too, but It's okay. It's not bad tears, I just have a lot off good memorize, I don't regret going here and I'm just happy that I'm moving on, life will always change and that's nothing to be scared off.

Don't have to work tomorrow morning since I worked the whole day yesterday, planning on gettin up kinda early to take a long walk around a lake close by.


Allting är helt enkelt super! Livet leker vill jag lova. Mår toppen och är underbart lycklig, haft en toppen dag. Var till kyrkan på morgonen, fick med mig en kompis också. Efteråt åkte vi till en strand som ligger ungefär en timmes bildfärd härifrån. Hade lite pick-nick på stranden och efter åkte vi till en stad och fikade lite, kollade i lite affärer och sen gick vi till stranden som var där också.

I morgon är jag ledig på förmiddagen, ska försöka motionera lite granna. Lär ju använda den lediga tiden till något vettigt hade jag tänkt. Är så glad över alla tjejer som jag träffat här, känner verkligen att detta kommer bli bra.

The pool in the backyard


I see this beautiful sight everyday when I walk through the park

CPR-class this saturday

Bay bridge, road trip, San Francisco


driven a long with the ocean


Hanni, Carole

Pick-nick :D

beach partyyy

me and my two frenchies :D

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