Sunday, September 23, 2012

Omg I fell in love today, William Spetz, he most be the funniest guy on earth seriously. I have been laughing the whole day thanks to this guy. I was skyping with my little sister Sara this morning and she told me about him, since then I couldn't stop watching his videos on YouTube. We had a great conversation, I was laughing most off the time though but hey, nothing wrong with spreading some happiness right!!

Been working a lot today from 1-11 pm. First I went to a CPR and First Aid class with my oldest kiddo. Was four hours, a lot off test and information. It was fine but and I guess it's good to know about it cuz I'm workin with kidz.

After we took a walk through the park home then I got started on dinner. They were all very happy, the parents went to a party so they wanted to have a "Hanna-night". So we watch a movie, Poppers Penguins and we eat popcorn. Everything went well until the oldest one had a weird allergic reaction, so went to the pharmacy in the evening to buy allergy medicine. The host-parents were happy I could help him cause they didn't know anything about it, I have some experience from the old host-family so that's awesome! He got some medicine and then felt better.

Now it's past midnight and I'm going to sleep, up early tomorrow and get ready for church. Then off with some girls on a adventure, don't remember where so it's gonna be a surprise even for my self. Super excited!!  Love Sundays they are always full off fun!

Congratz to my friend Burnie who has his b-day today :)

over and out


Hejsan hoppsan!!! Jobbat dagen lång, var först på hjärt och lungräddnings klass med äldsta ungen och efter det hade jag myskväll med resten av barnen. Föräldrarna var på fest fram tills efter 23 nu på kvällen. Haft en riktigt bra dag, fint väder ute och snälla ungar.

I morgon ska jag först till kyrkan och efter det på äventyr med ett par tjejer. Tror det kommer bli en toppensöndag, är riktigt taggad! Kul att jag har börjat lära känna så mycket tjejer här nu. Alltid lite trögt i början att försöka hitta folk man trivs att umgås med, tror däremot att jag hittat jättefina tjejer!

Skypade även med lillsyrran och mamma idag på skype, kul att höra att de mår bra. Saknar er allihopa så mycket! Hoppas vi snart kan planera ihop att ni kommer och hälsar på!!

peace out


Found a bunch of funny videos,
watch on ur own risk, lol

dancin @ a Irish-bar in Chicago
"a little round under the feet as we would say in Sweden"

road trip to Charleston, South Carolina
u can feel the atmosphere 

Silly lunch at Panera Bread after a rough weekend in Philadelphia

once again,

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