Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wow what a impressing and interesting day! God is with me, he's putting some people in my life right now, I feel that this year is going to be amazing. I'm so happy I followed my intuition about going here to California, very proud off myself. I know this is right, I got that proved today.

I really enjoyed my Friday evening, I went out with one of the French girls to a place called Emeryville. We had some delicious Mexican food and we look in some stores. Found I new bikini on half price, mine broke so good that I found a new. It was a really nice area all together with shops, restaurants and a movie theater, I'll probably go back there!

Worked in the morning and after that I went to DMV to see what I have to do to get a California driver's license. Luckily I just have to do the writing test since I already got my Virginia one. I stood in line for a long time, and I got papers and stuff but the waiting time was 2,5 hours so I decided to leave since it was to less. I'll either book a appointment or go back next week early in the morning.

The to lines today at DMV started fighting, it was a Drop In line and a Appointment line. Grown up people screaming shut up, bitch and so on to each other, a was surprised off how immature some people behave. It was because all people in the appointment line could go before the Drop In one, but still, very unnecessary behaving like that I would say.

Worked in the afternoon, after I picked kiddos from school we spent some time in the pool at the new house, was a really nice pool-day! Then I dropped twins at soccer practice and I was pretty much off after that.

Work tomorrow, me and the oldest kid are going to a CPR class between 1-5pm and after that the parents are going to a party so I work til 11pm. Off on sunday so then I'll first go to a new church I found and then I'll try to go somewhere!

Hade ett riktigt trevlig fredag. Jobbet gick super, plaska i poolen som vanligt. Känns nästintill overkligt att det snart är Oktober och att jag fortfarande har möjligt het att bada. Efter jobbet så träffade jag en av de franska tjejerna igen. Vi åt mexikansk mat och gick omkring i lite affärer. Väldigt go tjej! Börjar träffa väldigt intressanta människor här, tacksam över det!

Jobbar i morgon, ska på hjärt och lungräddnings klass med äldsta killen och sen ska jag jobba kväll för föräldrarna ska på fest. På söndag är jag däremot ledig så ska först testa en ny kyrka sen på något äventyr hade jag tänkt.


Wishing everyone a good wknd!!!

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