Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today I felt total silence, around me and even in my brain(very rare that I'm not thinking anything at all) for the first time In my life. It was like the time stood still and then after a while everything went back to normal again. It was amazing and short.

Was to tired yesterday to write, had a good day but really exhausting. Didn't have to work until 2.30pm so was off in the morning. Love to sleep in, not a morning person at all. I can lay a whole day in my bed, if I don't put 6 alarms on I never wake up and I can sleep more then 16 hours without waking up.

I went on a long walk yesterday around Lake Meritt, took like 1,5 h all together with the walk from the house included. So much people running, walking around there was kinda interesting just looking at people. Had my music plugged in so enjoyed myself a lot. When I came home a did a superyummy salad, nice lunchy crunchy.

In the evening I went to Carole to watch a movie, nice to come out a little bit after work. Was so cool to drive to her cause she lives at a really high point so they view was great. I wish a had a awesome camera then I would have taken some pics to show. Also the road was turning and had a lot off curves so it was good training. I'm planning on being the best driver in world, soooo... I better since I'm gonna buy so many cars later on when I'm rich!!!!


Today I was up early in the morning, after I walked the twins through the park to school I walked home and took a shower. I decided to enjoy the day outside since the weather today was just beautiful. I ended up sitting outside Starbucks with a coffee and my book for hours.

Then back to work, where swimming in the pool at the new house until we went home to cook dinner. I made some Hanni Special Stir Fry for myself, it was so delicious. A lot off veggies, some rice and cracked in two eggs. I love cooking it so much fun. My oldest host kid thought my enthusiasm for cooking was so fun so he started to create a web page for me haha, Cook with Hanni Montani, he's so funny.

Talked a lot with my best friend Sarah lately. She lives in Connecticut now and she really wanna come visit me here. She and another friend Sofie might come in the end off November to visit. In that case we will stay here a couple off days then fly to LA and Las Vegas and maybe see Gran Canyon. I'm super excited. Didn't see Sarah ages, me and me and Sofie haven't seen each other in way to long time, we used to be best friends.

Martina lives in Santa Moncia now which is not to far and she wanna come visit me over the weekend soon, maybe even this weekend. That would be so brawesome, miss my souile so much!!! So proud off u, know we'll meet soon!

I also have to write a couple off sentences about how happy and proud I'm about my little sister Sara. She's is so awesome and positive now days, I used to read her blog and that was kinda depressing sometimes ;) but now she's like a new person. Now there's a lot off hope in everything that she writes! Everything happens for a reason and nothing is impossible that's what I've been saying to her, even when ur down at the bottom off a deep black hole u can always rise up and grow as a person.
Love u Sara!


I saw love for a while back ago, it was so strong that u could almost touch the feeling. It was on the BART (metro, subway, whatever) in to San Francisco. There was a couple, standing on opposite sides off each other, then I saw how there eyes met and they where both smiling, not with there lips but with there eyes. It was so beautiful, I could feel how they felt in some weird way, I just wanted to share that with u all, even if it sounds a little bit crazy bananas.


Hejsan hoppsan! Har haft en underbar vacker dag. Satt på Starbucks idag och läste och drack en kopp kaffe. Igår var jag på tok för trött för att blogga, kom hem från en filmkväll hos en kompis rätt sent. Var ute på en långpromenad runt en sjö igår, riktigt härligt!

Sarah Gruddan och Sofie från Mora ska kanske komma och hälsa på mig i slutet av november, kommer bli fantatiskt kul, ser fram emot det jätte mycket. Vi försöker planera ihop allt nu så vi kan boka i helgen!! Min vän Martina ska kanske komma och hälsa på någon helg snart hon bor ju inte så långt ifrån mig, runt 5 timmar.

Jobbet gick bra idag, simmade i poolen vid nya huset efter skolan och sen gick vi hem och åt middag. Upp tidigt i morgon så ska se en film nu och sen ska jag sova. Vi hörs :)

skillad man är på att bygga lego, ahahha

Lake Meritt

Hannis cookbook
in progress, by hostkiddo 

Wanna show y'all the nature here

orange treeeee 
never seen that before

morgonstund har guld i mun

-Mamma och Sara lär ju skratta nu

awesome day


happy hanni

cookin, yeeees
så smäll götttt

From this weekend!!

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