Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Twins had early day, so started workin extra early, at 7am. After I walked them to school I was studying for my California Driver's License, it's actually the 3rd one. Will try to do some more tomorrow and then go back to DMV and do the test. 40 questions here, which I think is a lot, but I'll make it work. Other than that I'm thankful that I can skip the driving test!

It seems like the visiting from Sweden is going as planned, asked my host-family today if both Sofie and Sarah could come and that was fine. So I guess we'll book plan tickets to LA and Las Vegas this weekend! I can't believe it, so amazing. Always wanted to go to these places, exciteeeeed.

Something hit me the other day, yes I'm on deep water right now. But this is my blog so I can write whatever I want, sooo. I was walking home and suddenly I heard my self thinking about the whole situation about being a Au pair, kids, other people kids and then, there it was, BOOM...

Getting my own kids??

It was the sunniest day ever but I got goose bumps, I just froze for a moment. Not because anything is wrong with it, not because I don't believe I could or would. I just haven't spend a lot off time thinking about me having my own kids, for real. Now it feels way to early, but one day, I know I will, probably have a bunch and live happily ever after.

Well enough bout me and kids. Or actually not I wanna tell about the rest off my day, since it was awesome. I went to get the kids from school in the afternoon, we had fun today, played in the park, at the playground and then we all skipped home. Back at the house we did a lot off Halloween projects, we cut out some ghost and pumpkin paper chains and colored them. Felt very creative today!

Then my oldest kid where taping me while I was cooking, he is working on the Hanni Montani cookbook website. He's so funny, very engaged to the whole thing. It's really starting to look cool, I saw some off his work today. He did put out videos, and recipes already. Check it out haha

Allt flyter på precis som det ska här på andra sidan jorden. Hade en riktigt bra jobbdag, har pysslat med barnen, lekt i skogen och på lekparken. Värdföräldrarna hade en date-night så jag jobbade extra sent idag. Gick däremot väldigt bra, tvillingarna går och lägger sig rätt tidigt så var väldigt lugnt på slutet.

Pluggade även inför mitt Kalifornia körkort. Blir med 3:e kort nu, ska försöka läsa på lite till och sen kan jag ta testet som är 40 frågor. Rätt mycket men hoppas det ska gå bra.

Detta är en hemsida som min äldsta värdunge har jobbat på, han har filmat mig när jag lagar mat, ser faktiskt riktigt kul ut.

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