Saturday, September 29, 2012

Don't feel like writing at all
that's why I'm gonna write something
just because
I don't feel like it

very negggggo right now, dunno why. Was the same yesterday evening. Good thing to have friends to call sometimes when you feel lonely and sad.

So that's why I'm gonna do a write about everything that was good today. Cuz I know it'll help.

The work in the morning was good, I read the San Francisco newspaper and I had a nice glass of cold water. Took care off some laundry, gave twins a bath and then I walked kids to school. The walk was very good, as every other morning. When I came home I talked with my host-dad about the earthquake that took place today, very small one but still, a earthquake, the first one in my whole life, scary bananas.

I took a trip today to a place called Alameda, it's a little beach there so I walked down there after I bought I coffee. I had my leather-jacket and a sweatshirt on, but still. To windy and cold so couldn't stay long. I enjoyed it anyway, it was not a long ride there, about 20 min. Will probably go back, a sunny day!

The work in the afternoon was also okay, took them to soccer practice and after I went with the whole family to a restaurant and had dinner. The city did a very cool thing this evening in the park, they had like a movie-screen so lots off people went there tonight and saw the movie The Lorax, I got invited to go with the family so I went. Was fun, a was surprised about the amount off people, also saw the french au pairs and did some plans for tomorrow evening.


Been down here since after the movie skyping with Sarah, trying to figure out our trip. Sofie and Sarah will come here in the end off November. We'll go to LA and Las Vegas. Right now we¨re trying to book hostels and find out if we should go by bus or flight.

Martina looked up today to maybe come a weekend in October so will ask the family if they're okay with that. Would be so nice, miss my Tini so much.

I'll go up tomorrow and get ready for meeting Sophie my friend from Virginia, in downtown San Francisco tomorrow. Looking forward to meet her again a lot. We don't have any direct plans about what we're doing but we'll figure it out. Probably Carole will come in later on in the evening to hang out with us!

Off both Saturday and Sunday so really excited about this weekend, will try a new church on Sunday also. Hope Ill find what I'm searching for!

Vi måste prata snart, gått allt för länge sen nu. Saknar dig! Det funkar bra här, vart depp i två kvällar men det ska nog ordna upp sig nu. Är ovan med att vara så mycket med mig själv och inte springa ut varje kväll efter jobbet. I morgon ska jag in till downtown och träffa Sophie en tjej jag känner ifrån Virignia.

Var ut och åt med familjen ikväll på en restaurang. Väldigt god mat måste jag säga, åt räkor och pasta mums. Sen såg vi en film i en park tillsammans med i princip hela staden. Jätte coolt med utomhus bio!

Håller på att bokar för fullt med Sarah och Sofie inför när de kommer i November. Tror det kommer bli topppen. Nu ska jag sova så jag orkar upp tidigt i morgon!

Now I feel a lot better,
thank you Hanna for being so awesome
over and out

I take pictures all the time,
so I just keep on posting them here,
I can and
I want to,
just so u know
if ur wondering

kass bild
men det är en princip grej

hörs då

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