Monday, October 1, 2012

Was all together a good weekend. Went downtown yesterday to meet up with Sophie. We had such a great beautiful day, kinda cold but I knew it before so brought a jacket and a cardigan. We saw live music, eat Mexican food, bought purple awesome glasses and a nice bracelet, had a mini pick-nick in a park, saw the crooked street and walked up and down all over San Francisco. Was almost hard to say goodbye in the end off the day haha, but we'll soon meet again I know it. We don't live to far away from each other!

When I came home yesterday I went with Carole and my other Frenchie, Marie to a hookah lounge        to smoke a little bit in the evening. Was a really nice place, took about 20-30 min to drive there. Enjoyed my ride a lot, was alone and were listening to really loud music and where singing, I pretty much do that every time I'm in a car.

This morning I met up with Carole and then we drove together to a church in Berkeley ab out 20 min from here. I'm so happy cause I found what I was looking for. A good church with a lot off positive energy. Was a lot off people mixed ages, music and a really good preacher. I could really feel that this is a place where I can learn and feel like I'm growing in my faith!


Other than that my Sunday was okay. I was planning on going to Oakland Zoo with Marie and some other girls but my host family needed both cars so I ended up being alone in the house all day. I was so bored I fell asleep and woke up at 5 pm and was pretty sad I didn't do more with my dad. But I must say it was nice to rest and just relax, I should start to enjoy my alone time more instead of feeling stressed. It's just so different from how my life used to be. It's really good here, I do enjoy it and I feel how I have a lot off time to thing and sort out things in my head which is good. So don't want to complain, but sometimes I admit I feel lonely and sad and miss all the good times. Took a walk now in the evening and talked with Martina for a long time, felt really good!

Have also booked almost everything for when Sarah and Sofie from Sweden are visiting me in the end of November! Just need to book my way home from Las Vegas. They will come to me on Monday 19th and on Wednesday we'll take a bus to LA and then Friday evening we'll go to Las Vegas and then on Sunday I'm going back here to San Francisco again. It's gonna be such a cool trip, have to start saving so money!!

We move this weekend to the new house, really excited. Think that will be great, it's just gonna be hard to live upstairs with everyone else  I like how it's now when I'm in the basement alone, gives me more privacy, but I just have to make it work. I appreciate so much that I can be here, and stay with this family. This is really a amazing adventure  I learn so much everyday about stuff that I never even put any interest in at all.

Skyped with Cissi today, one off my closest friends in Sweden. She currently lives in Denmark and is working and studying to go for a trip to Africa! I didn't talk with here for a long time so felt so good! Was a great conversations felt like we talked the last time yesterday, kinda funny how everything felt so natural, hopefully now when she have skype when can talk more often! Wish her the best luck off course!

Tack för mejlet! Kändes skönt att höra att allt är bra med dig, fattar nu varför vi inte hörts på länge. Hoppas du får igågn skype snart igen!

Haft en bra helg, träffade en kompis i SF hela lördagen. Vi hade super trevligt som du kan se på bilderna nedan, åt mexikansk mat, hade pick nick i en park, gick gata upp och gata ner, testade hattar, köpe roliga solbrillor, såg ett live band och hade allmänt kul!

Idag testade jag på en ny kyrka som faktiskt kändes riktigt bra. Kommer troligtvis åka tillbaka dit varje söndag! Nu kallar kudden, börjar bli skapligt sent, kramar!!!

Fattar vad tufft att jag hitta en Fjäll Räven affär. 
Hade velat ha en sån rygga, får ta och spara ihop mina små slantar och 
kanske köpa en en vacker dag!

Hanna and Sophie

Trying on glasses

I bought the same bracelets for me and Sophie

Me and Cissiiiii

studenten 2011

student veckan
drar att par raka på Ljugan i Mora
Sarah ser lagomt pissed ut

avslutnigs fest med klassen hemma hos Madde

Elinor, Hanna, Cissi

Ute och äter fin middag med klassen

Elinor, Johanna, Hanna, Cissi
ute med klassen på middag

Wow vad längesen, men känns på något sätt som igår,
longlonglongtime ago,

nej nog filofiserat för ikväll, 
Over and out
have a late night date with Mr pillow

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