Wednesday, October 17, 2012

And then came Wednesday, that only happens once a week so let's enjoy it!!! Each day is a gift, don't forget that.

My week so far has been great. Took a long morning walk it was great. The weather here is so nice, it's really my never ending summer. I can even take a swim in the pool later this afternoon with the kids if I want, It'll be around 30 C today.

 Went to the Au pair meeting on Monday, was cool we went bowling. Met a lot off new people and the funniest was that I met a girl that is new in the area from Sweden. She did stalk up my Facebook page before so when I walked in she knew directly that it was me haha. She's from Falun which is like a little bit more than an hour from my hometown, Mora in Sweden. So awesome to have someone to speak some Swedish with! Met her yesterday in the morning for some pick-nick whit her little baby that she takes care off, super-cuuute. Then we went to the movies yesterday evening and saw a comedy. funfunfun
I just finished the whole California Driver's Licenses book. Have my test tomorrow morning, I wish myself the best luck. I really hope that I can make it my first try, I've been putting some effort to understand everything as much as possible. I don't want to spend more money then necessary on this test, I wanna start saving up for so much things. Like my two weeks vacation which I didn't start planning for much yet but I want to be prepared when times comes. Been talking with Denise and Martina about Hawaii. How amazing wouldn't that be??

 Also I need to figure out what I want to study. I remember that I needed to put in some money myself last year when I was studying in Virginia even though my host-family must pay 500 dollars. I'm looking up my possibility's for bible studies I'm not sure If I can do that for my 6 credits that Cultural Care wants me do to but we'll see. I'm just very interested in understanding what I'm reading now. Think bible studies will help my thinking a lot.

Christmas is coming up, well we have Halloween and Thanksgiving first. But for that I didn't plan much. I tried to start a conservation with my host-parents about Christmas cause I know my family from Sweden wants to come visit me. Didn't see them for more then a year, miss them sooo much so really hope that they can come!!!

I have a bunch off things what I need money to do. I wanna cut my hair, fix my guitar just called and they said it will cost more than 20 dollars..., then I need to buy new make up, save up for taxes that I will have to pay for this year I guess around 600 dollars which is a lot... And I want to pay my mom back some money cause they have been backing me up. Then I have to have money for the vacation I'll soon have when Sarah and Sofie from Sweden will visit and we'll got to La and Las Vegas.

I don't know how I'll manage to do all off this, but I guess I try to save everything I can. At least I have a plan now what I need and want. I need to be more strict and think more so I think this plan is great.

Keep smiling
Life is Good
When you feel like you have a bad day
try to see a least one good thing in it
Laugh, love and live

Things to think about..

An optimist laughs to forget a pessimist forgets to laugh.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush is full of roses. Looking for good in situations often brings about positive outcomes. And the opposite is also true. Seek the gather roses rather than thorns, sunshine rather than clouds.

What if pain becomes life lessons to learn and suffering provides us with assignment to master and endurance tests to pass. What if we welcome and embrace pain and suffering? What if we consider them as training ground to grow and learn in preparation for a unique purpose in life. The training ground becomes the source for blessings. Blessings erupt in abundance as we shift our paradigm from pain and despair into possibilities and hope, and trails and triumph. Are you willing to be a student of hope with the greatest blessings or a holder of despair?

I'm learning to allow suffering in my life. Trying to see it in a different view. Things can appear to be bad and negative but I'm trying to just turn it upside-down and see something good in it. I can learn from every situation that I'm in. Sometimes I feel that when I'm around people that are very stressed about something or worried that I get in the same mood. Then I just have to stop for a moment and look at the situation, If I feel like it's not me that have the bad feeling I try to break the negative stress pattern, cause it's easy to get drawn in to it.

peace out

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