Monday, October 15, 2012

Just watched the movie Letters to Juliet 2. When It comes to romantic movies and love stories I just can't help myself either smiling so hard it hurts or crying until there's no more tears. I know it's all made up but I feel it so strong, I try not to watch them to often cause it's a little bit painful and It always end up with me crying even more after the movie is done with the feeling that I want the same love in my life hahaha, true story. But actually this time it wasn't tooo bad, because I'm actually full of love at the moment. Feels great!


Either way, I had a awesome weekend I must say that. Was off work so tried to use my free-time best possible. Went out dancing on Friday evening with my two Frenchies and a girl from China. Was fun going out, very good music and danced a lot. Same place me and Carole went last weekend. I spend Saturday hanging out with a friend, playing b-ball very relaxing. Had a quiet evening, went to bed kind off early but I was super-tired so It was fine. Woke up early on Sunday to go to church with Carole. Was a very good service, felt like a got some new strength and power for this week! After church I went for lunch with three girls from France, one from Germany and on from Colombia. Had a great time and in the evening we went ti Caroles house for a movie night. Good way to end the weekend. When I came home last night I was exhausted so went straight to bed.

Tonight is my second Au pair meeting, we'll go bowling. Think it will be fun, so around 7pm my frenchie Mary will come get me and I drive with her and some other girls there. Have a meeting at DMV to try to get my California driver's license this Thursday. Been studying the book for a while because it's 40 questions and a lot of people say it's hard to pass the test the first time. I can't even afford to pay more then one time so I'll defiantly do my best.

Don't have more plans than that so far, got my schedule yesterday and I work a little bit this weekend. It's all good. Looking forward to Martina's visit though, she's coming soon! Talked with Denise today almost an hour, she's now in her new host-family, wish her the best luck!

Notes from Church

Gods word in a broken world
God values you

Offering Ourselves and our gifts
Teach us to use your gifts wisely and share them generously

Swallow your pride
We can't forgive ours
Jesus will forgive us

Don't think less of yourself
but thinking of yourself less

Root of the fruit


humility- not thinking less of yourself but value others above yourself

admit pride, rest in Jesus power
Things to think about...

Don't let your days be like driving on freeways, fast and thoughtless. The next time you go over a speed bump soak in your surroundings and find one thing that you can appreciate for the day.

With a firm faith you can go weather any storm when it comes your way in life. Are you laying the foundation for a solid faith?

Your unfailing love will last forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.

Upon what conditions do you give your love? Or is love a condition of good behavior? When someone we love does things or make decision we disagree with, that's not the time to use love as a tool for manipulation. Unconditional love is pure and everlasting regardless of behavior. Is there anyone who doesn't deserve your love? That's exactly the person you should focus on loving.

I need to keep myself motivated to think positive, sometimes everything seems to go just really the wrong way. Like I've crash and burned, But I'm the only one who can change my attitude against the situation and I have the power to change direction. Never to loose faith that and knowing that I'm not alone. I'll walk through hard times stronger then before and I'll keep spreading my love to everyone I can, I have a lot to give!

Peace out amigos

1 comment:

  1. Ja, du. Det verkar som om det händer saker i ditt liv just nu! Inte konstigt om man har lite växtvärk emellan varven.

    Puss påre!

