Thursday, October 11, 2012

I started to get some comments on my blog, very fun to read! I appreciate feedback a lot, If someone is interested to ask questions or whatever,
 my is e-mail, 
Kinda made my morning reading some comments today to be honest. Even if It seems to kinda go direct to my trashcan but found it today when I looked at the settings.


I decided this morning that I was going to have a awesome morning and a good restoftheday. And so far so good I must say that. I woke up 30 min before I was suppose to go up, I was in panic because I thought I'd overslept but, no. So instead of going back to sleep as I usually would have done I took time to pray and think about how I'm going to see everything positive today.

I think I spread some love around the house this morning, the first thing I did was to smile to every each family member and asked if they slept good and wished them a extra good morning. I can very silly and super-happy sometimes and why not share. Everyone was extra nice back and it felt real. Then I had a super delicious breakfast, black coffee cause I forgot the milk, hahah, yogurt, fresh strawberries and nuts. It was so yummy!!!

Kids where good the whole morning, helped them with a bath since they have their pictures taken today. We skipped, ran and jumped all the way to school, they are so fun to be with when they have their good mood. Then after dropping them off I took a long walk around the whole town, stopped before I returned home at a store to bought some kind of lunch, came out with a veggie sandwich and ate it in the park before going all the way home. It was so good, more like a Breakfast-lunch-dinner, still full! Had a nice moment in the park, sat alone on a bench, like a little pick-nick and just enjoyed the nature.

I must admit the last couple of days was hard in many ways. I felt like it was project surviving for a moment, (yes I'm very dramatic) I felt so tired of everything I was about to give up this whole Au pair thing.
But I mean really for a moment,
like 30 seconds,
cause I'm not a person who just gives up. So instead of get buried in self pity I took care of my problems  And look at this wonderful day, everything just feels awesome right now just like I wanted it to! Yeyyy me.


So now I'm gonna share some of my thoughts to you, maybe some one else is feeling down or just like reading and sneaking in other peoples life's, lol.

Once up on a time there was a little Hanni Montani. She felt concern over a thought that kept going around in her head. She is a girl that thinks a lot, and when she get started it can end up anywhere sometimes it's about how can you move the whole world to try to live on another planet. What would be the best way to transport people there, or should you try to make babies over there and create a new world. And so on.....

But this day she thought about this,
Is everything happening for a reason, is everything written, is your sin and mistakes written? Is it already meant for you to make mistakes  so you can learn from them and that will in the end form your whole life, Is it already written who's going to get saved, Is nothing my decisions  do I have a destiny, do I have a say in it at all, can I change, Is bad choices meant to be apart of my life, Is it then not bad, cause it was meant to happen or is it apart of everything to feel regret, should feeling of wanting to change something move us forward in life?????

 It really never ended, the list got longer and longer... Hanni Montani felt confused, what to do? She asked three persons, one person that is doing tons of bible studies and are very smart, the second a awesome friend of mine and last my fantastic mom that have answers for everything.

They all had almost the same answer and they are all Christians. It's a mix, some things are destiny, like some things that are meant for you will not pass, rely on God that he will be there backing you up and that he will not put more to you than God know you can handle. You have free will, you can make choices and you can do wrong and that will get you consequences.

That made the girl with a lot of thoughts in her head very happy in relaxed. She kept thinking and she decided that what the people said match her too. It's your choice to believe, trust and to understand. The Holy Ghost will always lead you on the right way if you choose to listen. If you're divided to make the right choice you can always pray to make the right one. Listen to your inner, If you don't take time to listen or you know it's wrong and you do it anyway that will give you consequences.

Sometimes it's hard even for Hanni Montani to not get stressed out when she sees everything around her falling apart, she might simply not know what to do, what's right or wrong, maybe she's just about to learn. She needs to remember that sometimes God will test you, he will see how you react in these kinds of situation to see if you relay on him and stay true in your faith.

You must not always know why some things are happening or why you feel a certain way or why you do something. Because you can come to a point later on when you can look back and understand. That happened to Hanni sooo many times, and it wasn't always things happened for a personal gain. It was sometimes for someone else, so don't think only about yourself, it can be affecting another person as well.

To end this serious story about how funny life is I want to say

Life is Good,
God is Good
Trust and Hope
It's not bad until you make it bad
There's a light somewhere in the dark,
just open your eyes and listen
Don't stop believing
you're not alone!


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