Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Didn't write for a while, been busy moving from the house I lived in for like 3 weeks since I first came here to San Francisco. We didn't move far, just like 5 min car ride from the old house. This house is pretty cool, Jacuzzi and pool at the backside. My room is nice, have a great awesome closet. Love it, except from that it's next to kids room so no Skype after 7 pm and pretty much no crying, talking in phone, berating etc, lol. Just how this life is, I'm use to live in a house with a big family where I'm not always in the center so this is going to work out.

This weekend was actually really good, little sleep but loads of fun-time. Started off pretty nice on Thursday evening with a trip with Carole to two clubs at a area which is full of students from the University in Berkeley. Had a great time, came home late everyday and was kinda tired on Friday morning but it was all good. Had some coffee in the morning and long walks. Went back to the same places both Friday and Saturday! Danced a lot, met new people so only good. Will probably be a place to go back to some weekends.

Worked on Saturday morning cause my host-mom was in LA. Just took kids to the park and played for a while and then  made some lunch. After work I went to Richmond on a church-event, got invited from a person I met out the night before. Was great, with a choir, lots of people, good atmosphere, food and stuff. Might go back there this Saturday on their church-service. I also went to play some basketball ate some Mexican food and look at the nice view over the bay area. So Saturday was a good day!

Sunday was the moving-day  was really a lot off stuff to get over here, don't know how many truck loads them came with. Went to church in the middle of everything and then came back and was kinda working until the evening even if I wasn't on schedule. Got my room all done, felt good to pack up for real this time, or at least hopefully for one year. In the last house I didn't really unpack cause I knew I where moving soon. Went to sleep before 8 pm and slept 13 hours in pure exhaustion. Woke up and felt kinda confused and very mashed potatoes head. But guess I needed that long sleep.

Yesterday, Monday, kids had no school. So first I helped unpacking stuff and tried to help as much as possible. Then I took kiddos to lunch and after we went to see a movie at the movie theater, we saw Hotel Transylvania. I'm so loud when I watch movies, can't help myself laugh loudest of everyone. I can even here that some people laugh at my laugh hahhaa, but it's just funny. When movie was done we went home and jumped in the pool and after it was time for bed. Really good day, felt how I connected a little with all of them, we had like a whole day of fun. Had some dance-parties in the car, where racing in the stairs, jump to all the white-parts on the cross-walk and so on.

Took a long walk around 2 hours after work, felt good to just come out a little bit. Talked in the phone, listen to music and just had a nice time. Really do love walking, but I know I should be careful when I'm out, some areas here is pretty scary after 8 pm.

Today I got confirmed from my host mom that Martina can come visit me over the weekend in the end of this month. She'll fly back and forth from LA, Three weeks left, I can't wait. Miss her so much, will be so awesome to see my Martini Granini again!!!

Also Aishling, my Irish mummy, called the other day, felt good to talk to her again. She was the one driving me to the airport on my last day in Virginia, was so hard to say goodbye. She's my best friend, a person I'll never forget and hopefully will see ASAP again. She's also extending her Au pair year so she might also get a place her in California, really hope so. Either way wish her the best where ever life takes her.

Denise, came a couple of weeks before me to LA, also my best friend who I met in Virginia. She went in to re-match which means you are going in the process under maximum 2 weeks to find a new host-family because it's for some reason not working out or you'll have to go back home to your country.  She called me with the good news that she found a new family, 5 min from Martina's house. So happy for her, know this will be great for her!



Wanna share my notes from church with y'all
maybe someone can find it useful!
The main subject was LOVE

The center is the Love of God
What is Love
God is Love,
Love is God

A lot of people feel like their prayers could be different
It's nothing wrong about praying about learning how to pray
The preacher was funny and said: Teach us how to pray, teach us how to pray
funny to me, I'm referring to the song: teach me how to dougie for the people ever heard about that one, lol

You should search for a close personal relationship with God
A christian life of Love and God
Accept that you maybe don't know God
And try to get to know him
Blessed are those who knows they don't know God

Loves nature
Love needs knowledge and insight of Gods story
Everything, creating of the world, story of Jesus,
his healing, died on the cross and came back from the dead
also the insight of the holy spirit
It's vital and important
A little part from the book Philippians
that I like and think about a lot

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others

Abound more and more in love,
pure integrity and glory of God.

It's not what I get
It's what I give
How can I give power away to help other people.

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy not boast
Love is not proud, it's not rude. it's not self-seeking, not angry
It keeps no records of wrong
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres,
Love never fails, Faith hope and love remain
But the greatest of these is Love

And now what you all have been waiting for,
Shaaaring my lifeexperince tiiiiime! ! ! ! !

Seriously, I think I've had a really messed up view of Love during a long time. I've always seen it only between people falling in love with each other  I've been there done that. Also been hurt by it, you all know what cheating and so on is, I guess. I didn't loose hope about it but I guess I'm a person wanting it and been needing it so much I almost hurt myself. I sometimes felt like I was in love with love. I just wanted it so bad.

Yes I've been in love, I've had boyfriends, long relationships, my heart broke after plans for future and so on. For a while it was kind off all done I had plans for engagement, marriage, kids, somewhere to live. Today I'm happy nothing worked out but honestly at that moment I really thought that without the one person my life was nothing, that I was nothing. That I couldn't do anything, as the small person I thought I was.

Now I finally understand that there's something deeper and stronger than any Love of what I ever known. Something that will always no matter what be in my heart. The love to God. Knowing that I wont be alone, ever. And that He loves me right back. I'm so strong in myself that I know that who ever will come in my life or go out of my life, there's one Love staying and that's the most important and the greatest one. It feel it, It's a awesome and amazing feeling. I'm so happy to finally understand this.

Off course I always loved my friends, family, cats and chocolate ;)

It's time to stop being so deadly serious,
picture time!!!!

Thanks for reading

I take sometimes more then hundreds of pictures everyday so its not tooo much hehe

just wanna end this whole thing in the best way possible with the best them all

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