Monday, October 29, 2012


Martina was here this weekend since Thursday evening. We had such a good time, missed her so much, she left Virginia just one week before me. Now I just have to save up some money, buy a flight ticket and go visit her in Santa Monica. My host-family absolutely loved her so that was great, I mean how can you not.

We smoked some hookah, went one night to Berkeley for party and the whole Saturday we spent in San Francisco. We took a guided bus-tour for like 20 dollars, totally worth the money. It was amazing we saw the city and the last stop was Golden Gate Bridge, It was so cool. I always wanted to see the bridge up-close. Sunday morning we went to church which was really good! The service was very interesting  and Carole was also with us. Unfortunately I had to drive Martina to the bart-station yesterday afternoon so she could fly back to L.A.. But we had a brapheonmanazing time!

Sarah and Sofie from Sweden will come visit me here in San Francisco soon, time is flying. The 19th November!! Can't wait, we're going to L.A and Las Vegas, how cooool is that? Always wanted to go there, It feels so unreal, like a dream that it's soon time to go there. I'm so happy for all the places I've seen just this last year when I lived in Virginia and what I'm about to see. I really never thought my life would be like this if you asked me a couple of years ago.

Halloween is coming up soon, my host-kids are so ready. The twins are both going to be Harry Potter and then have been Potter everyday after school for like a month. This weekend my oldest host-kid was baking pumpkin muffins, delicious! And every morning they ask me if it's not Halloween today, so cute. But on Wednesday they will go trick or treat and I'll stay home giving out candy to kids, that'll be fun. Also two days this week they have off from school both Thursday and Friday so I'll try to plan something fun, maybe a trip to the Zoo or go to the movies or whatever!
I don't have much plans for this week, I know I want to start to go to a gym, YMCA whit Carole. She already has a membership there and a guest-pass so I think we'll go tonight after work and do some exercising. Something I missed, I had a great place back in VA. Other than that I know there's a Halloween party in Berkeley Wednesday night that my Frenchies wanna go to. And they want to dress up so we'll see about that. Could be fun.

Notes from Church..
What does it mean to grow up in God? I want to know Christ, showing up with Jesus in daily life, participate with Jesus suffering assume the best of God in your worst. Get to know Jesus better, have a relationship with Jesus that's how you start to know God. Everything compared to Jesus is garbage. How can you be more like Jesus, what would Jesus do.

This world is broken but Jesus is making it new through us. Slow up, show up and grow up. You got to slow down and stop, take a breath, show up before God. Everything you have or lost is through God.

Request to be God, ended whit death. Don't try to be God, there's only one God, he's a jealous God.

Ask your self, what is the proper speed limit, then ask your self how fast you're going. Slow down, we are speeding up..

Love and respect are models, when you raise kids teach them this and then live like you learn.
How can I bless people/ friends around me. What acts can make someone else happy, show love. It's not what you get it's what you can give.

The family of God, true King of the whole world. Together we fight the spiritual war against the evil. We are bothers and sisters. 

from the book of Philippians.
For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Things to think about..

Don't focus on things that you don't have. Think about the blessings that God has given you. Our prayers can simply be only requests but take a moment and think thorough the ways you are blessed and thank God for them.

Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you. Keep the negative thinking away, don't give it more negative energy. Put all your effort to see what is good, be positive. See something good in everyday.

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