Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween my friends!
Dropped two Harry Potters at school this morning, super cute. One of my host-kids have golden blond hair but we sprayed it black and I took my eyeliner and made scars in the foreheads. When we came to school all the other kids also had dressed up so fun to see, good morning!

Right now I'm searching for schools and gyms online. I went on Monday to a gym called YMCA with Carole. I don't know if it's the best one for me though since it's a little bit to long of a drive. Well we'll see.. Didn't really find anything that looks better yet. I want to start to work out again so bad, it gives me such a good feeling in my body. And with school I didn't find anything interesting so far.. I need to do my 6 credits that Cultural Care wants me to do. It's so hard to understand how much it cost, how many credits and how to register I feel very confused. Hope I'll find something.

This week is slowly moving forward. I went to bed at like 9 pm yesterday I was just exhausted even if I had a little nap on the day after my walk. Today's weather is not so fun so I don't even feel like walking. Since it's Halloween I'll be home tonight and give out candy to all kids why the rest of the family will be out trick or treating! We'll have some friends for school over as well and have a little pizza-party. I'm very excited! We also carved pumpkins the other night so much fun! Kiddos have off from school tomorrow and friday so have to figure out what we can do.

things to think about
What do you mean If I can? Jesus asked,
Anything is possible if a person believes.

Don't give up, don't stop believing and trust!

Do you want to know who you are?
Don't ask, act!
Actions speaks louder than words.

peace out amigos
yeaah maybe I should take Spanish classes, will look it up right now!!!
see u later alligator

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