Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good weekend!

Kids had off school both Thursday and Friday, we had play-dates, baked cookies, went to a museum and they even took a swim in the pool. Friday evening I went out with Carole to a Reggae-bar/club it was amazing. The music was so good and we danced the whole night, really small place but cool. Saturday I went to the doctor, took the half day but at least I got a prescription on medicine for what I needed. After I went to Emeryville with Carol, had a great time.

Went out yesterday evening as well in Berkeley. Was fun we did some different places cause the music wasn't so good, went back to the reggae place and danced. Yesterday night we turn the clocks back one hour so could sleep a little extra this morning. Was still tired when I went up to go to church which actually was great today. Got a lot of good words that I needed to hear!

Ate lunch with Carole after church at a Mexican restaurant and after I said goodbye to her and went  downtown San Francisco with the Bart to meet up with Sophie my friend from Virginia  Also meet her tree friends that also comes from Germany. They wanted to go shopping so was fun. Lots off good places to go spending all your money in SF.

Sunday evening, don't have much plans, might go watch a movie soon at the theater with a friend.. Happy that I was off this weekend and had a lot to do. Was kinda bored last week, everything seemed to be turning against me but for this week I have a lot more of positive energy!


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