Monday, November 5, 2012

wooow this weekend was over way to fast
but now its just a whole week until it's weekend again, wihoooo
Got my schedule yesterday, work a little bit this Saturday but other than that I look forward to the weekend already. I'm so excited that Sarah and Sofie from Sweden is coming soon, I'm just counting the days down now, 19th of November they'll land at Oakland Airport!

I'll try to go to the gym tonight with Carole. I applied to get the gym fee at YMCA cheaper and today I got mail back and I can go there for like 40 dollars per month. It's very cheap usually its at least 100 dollars. Only thing is that it's a little bit of a drive which means gas-money. But I've searched for other places to go with not any luck whatsoever so I'm actually really considering to do this. I have to give my bankcard info withing 15 days so have a little bit of time to think about it.  I mean it's worth to spend some money to stay healthy it's just that I know that I really have to go there at least 2-3 times a week if it's going to worth it.

Well didn't sleep much at all this weekend to much party and fun and yesterday I was home later than planned at like 4 in the morning. Soooooo about to take a nap until I start working again. Hot nice and sunny out today, just went to the post office, 30 plus Celsius outside today, unbelievable  maybe swim with the kids in the pool this afternoon.

Cheers amigos
peace out

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