Saturday, December 1, 2012


alltså nu kände jag bara för att dra någon rad på Svenska. Tack och amen att jag vakna upp denna morgon haha. Igår körde man ju all in för andra gången denna helgen. Var sjukt kul, dansade på en pub i Berkeley och sedan blev det att stå ute i regnet innan jag lyckades ta mig hem vid 4 i morse hehe.

Alight English, please.. What a day, I'm off this weekend and it feels lovely. It's raining outside but I don't even care right now. I'm just happy to feel free! Was out both Thursday evening and yesterday with Carole in Berkeley. Today I have no plans what so ever, but I'll figure something out. Trying to save my money for when my family from Sweden are visiting during Christmas and New Years.

I guess it's that time of year now, I have to start to write Christmas cards and buy presents. I love to buy gifts for other people, I just wish I had more money. But I've heard it's the thought behind it that's important!

Well no fun to sit here all day, ima try to get out and find some adventure!!

hasta la vista amigos

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