Monday, December 3, 2012

The show must go on
Seriously, I've come to a point in my life where I just need to stop, reflect and change some things.

My new goals
Read more books
read the bible this time on Swedish
Drink tea (I never take time for drinking tea even though I love it)
Hang out with people that I feel comfortable with, people that I don't need to change for
Take a nice warm bath ones in a while, usually I just shower
Stay home and relax instead of going out all the time
Love myself
Build on my self respect and self confidence
Keep working out and eat healthy food
Safe money for travelling and vacation
Plan my next step in life, (right now my plan is to go back to Sweden In October, work and save Money then move to Australia)
Have no stress whatsoever everything will be alright
Love life
Get closer to God
Appreciate what I have
and thankful

Peace out amigos

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