Monday, July 22, 2013

Everything is changing right now :) feels awesome that I'll start a new adventure soon.  Actually in like one month.

Today I quit my job and it's mixed feelings since it's good to have a job and to have money to depend on.  I'll miss some of my work buddies as well.  But I really do think that my latest idea of what I'm supposed to do right now is even better!

I'll move to a new city in the end of August.  (växjö) because I got in to this university! !! Yey me! I'm going to study three years at the culture leader program.

I decided this Friday to do this so I sent some emails and I got an apartment super quick.  I'm going to share it with some other people but in the beginning I don't care to much. If I want to I can get my own apartment there later on.

So this is the latest news from Hanni Montani
Peace and rainbows to errbody

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